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Book - Kai Feast

Book - Kai Feast

Regular price $59.99 NZD
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Nau mai, haere mai ki tēnei kai hākari wainene! Kūmara donuts with kawakawa sugar, soul-warming kaimoana hot pot, succulent umu pulled pork, hāngī infused with native rongoā, sweet korimako cake and Nana’s burnt sugar steamed pudding. Christall Lowe invites you to another spectacular hākari (feast) from the heart of her whānau. Served alongside tales of nostalgia, infused with the flavours of Aotearoa, and brimming with mouthwatering dishes, this book is deeply rooted in abundance and manaakitanga (hospitality). Kai Feast is a stunningly photographed collection of whānau recipes and inspired adaptations, woven with stories of traditional feasting, tips on cooking for a crowd, menu planning and table decorating, and notes on foraging and cooking with native plants. This is a captivating story of feasting — a bountiful basket of kai and kōrero from the mountains to the sea. Come and have a seat at the table. It’s time to feast.

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